
Beaver Scouts (age 6 to 8)

Aged between 6 and 8, Beaver Scouts are the youngest section in Scouting. The focus is on having fun and making new friends. There are opportunities to earn badges while trying out new activities including making things, playing games, meeting new people, going on visits and staying away from home on camps and sleepovers.

We have one Beaver Scout Colony in the Group (Cherwell) who meet on a Thursday between 6 pm and 7.15 pm – find out more here!

Cubs (age 8 to 10½)

Cub Scouts are aged between 8 and 10½. They meet in a Pack which is divided up into Sixes. The older Cubs are expected to take on responsibility for running parts of the meeting and helping to think of programme ideas. At Cubs the focus is on adventure: they go camping, try out water activities, visit new places and meet all sorts of different people. There are lots of Challenge Awards and Activity Badges to complete, offering something for everyone.

We have two Cub Packs in the Group, meeting on a Wednesday (Mowgli) and Thursday (Jacala) evening between 6.30 pm and 8 pm – find out more here!

Scouts – Land Scouts & Sea Scouts – (age 10½ to 14)

The Scout Sections are for young people aged between 10½ and 14. The Scouts is the final Section in the Scout Group. As a Scout you can take part in a wide range of activities. Scouts is all about finding out about the world we live in, knowing your own abilities, keeping fit and developing creative talents. It’s also important to explore your own values and personal attitudes.

We have two Scout Troops in the Group, meeting on a Tuesday Sea Scouts from 7pm to 9pm find out out more here and a Wednesday Land Scouts from 7:15pm to 9:15pm find out more here

Explorers (age 14 to 18)

Explorer Scouts are aged between 14 and 18. Explorer Scout Units are part of the District rather than the Group, though many maintain close links with a particular Group. As an Explorer Scout you will be able to decide, along with the rest of the Unit, what you want to do. You can work towards the Queen’s Scout Award and the Duke of Edinburgh awards, as well as other challenges and badges.

Gordo Explorer Scout Unit meets at our Scout Centre and is very involved with the Group. Many of its members were members of our Group before moving on to the Explorer Scout Unit, and some still help with the younger section – find out more here!

Young Leader Scheme (age 14 to 18)

The Young Leader Scheme (YLS) is a structured programme that empowers young people aged 14-18 to develop leadership skills while assisting in Beaver, Cub, or Scout sections. It offers a mix of hands-on experience and formal training, providing valuable skills for personal development and future opportunities.  find out more here!